Traffic Routes |
Trade and Banking |
Arts and Crafts I |
Traffic and trade routes have always passed through Bavaria,
and because of this the upkeep and also construction of
major roads has always been very important. Ever since the
fall ...
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Ever since the Early Middle Ages, long-distance trade has
been one of the most important sources of income in the
transit land of Bavaria. During the 15th and 16th centuries,
two international ...
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highly developed level of industry has existed in Franconia
and Swabia since medieval times. Old Bavaria, in contrast,
was primarily agrarian in structure. Typical products
included ...
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Arts and Crafts II |
Industry I |
Industry II |
The goldsmiths and silversmiths of Nuremberg, and above all
of Augsburg, occupied a special position. Their brilliant
work enjoyed international fame during the 16th and 17th
centuries ...
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Today, industry is the mainstay of the Bavarian economy. No
one sector prevails, although the electrical, automotive,
mechanical engineering, chemicals and plastic industries are
all ...
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The traditional industries in Bavaria also include glass and
ceramics. Some companies have only withstood international
competition successfully by specialising. One such is the
firm ...
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Global Players |
Media and Communication |
Agriculture |
Only 5% of all Bavarian industrial enterprises have more
than 500 employees. They include several internationally
active groups of companies such as Siemens AG, which shifted
its headquarters ...
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Munich ranks as the most important publishing centre in the
world, and is a close second to New York. Three hundred
publishing houses in Bavaria produce around one quarter of
all the ...
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Agriculture is still a distinctive feature of Bavaria, even
though the number of farms is steadily decreasing.
Family-run farms are the mainstay of the state's
agriculture. ...
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Special Products |
Bavaria has several special products to contribute to the
foodstuff and beverage industry. First of all there are the
40 or more different kinds of beer, brewed with hops from
Bavaria's ...
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