World Cultural Heritage in Bavaria |
Preservation and Upkeep of Cultural
Artefacts |
Monasteries as Centres of Learning and Science |
The UNESCO World Cultural
Heritage list includes:
The old town of Bamberg with the cathedral (Late
Romanesque/Early Gothic, consecrated in 1237, with stone
sculptures ...
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Bavaria contains around 110,000 sacred and profane
structures that are listed as protected monuments. The State
Office for the Preservation of Public Monuments is
responsible for their ...
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the Middle Ages, the monasteries were crucially important
centres of learning and science. During the 16th century
numerous schools and centres of education were set up by
sovereign ...
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The State as Patron of Education and
Science |
Music and Theatre |
Folk Art |
The dissolution of 150 monasteries in 1802/03 created
central scientific collections and archives that primarily
benefited research at universities. The state became the
patron of ...
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The monasteries and churches were the first centres of
sophisticated music, and remained so until 1802/03. The
first significant composer in Bavaria was Orlando di Lasso,
master of ...
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typical feature of many Bavarian towns and villages is the
style of painting known as "Lüftlmalerei", deriving from
Italian and South German facade painting during the baroque
era ...
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Town Architecture and Town Crafts |
Royal Residences and Representative Structures |
Churches in Bavaria |
Forms of municipal self-administration gradually developed
in the towns of Bavaria, and especially in the free imperial
cities which enjoyed self-rule until 1806. In the trading
and ...
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Bavaria's wealth of castles and palaces derives from the
large number of religious and secular states that occupied
Bavarian soil before 1806 and frequently demonstrated their
claim ...
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Bavaria's cultural landscape is visibly dotted with church
towers and monasteries. The local populationn was converted
to Christianity during the 7th and 8th centuries by Irish
and ...
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Treasures of Medieval Churches and Monasteries |
in the rest of medieval Europe, the monasteries of Bavaria
were centres of learning and science. They preserved not
only the works of Antique authors but also medieval
literature ...
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