The new cities helped the dukes rule over their realm and subjects. They were the administrative centers in which the ducal Rentmeisters, judges, toll-collectors or chamberlains then had their seats. Some cities were additionally Wittelsbach capitals, for the duchy was divided into sub-duchies from 1255 to 1506.
The Wittelsbach dukes started having their realm depicted by court painters and described by scholars in the mid-16th century: The dukes were even prouder of their cities than their castles and market towns. The cities were among their realm’s major treasures – they were the ducal silver!
Not only the dukes but also the burghers were proud of their cities. They had their cities portrayed in every available medium. Unlike medieval symbolic images of cities, realistic depictions were striven for – albeit idealized images leaving out less attractive everyday life were created in the process. Urban vedute were popular. Cities’ skylines became their trademarks.
The Hall of Antiquities in the Munich Residenz is an impressive structure. Particularly interesting today are the contemporaneous depictions of cities, market towns, castles and palaces since they show the cities’ appearance toward the end of the 16th century, frequently for the first time on such a scale and in such detail.
(from the audio guide of the Bavarian State Exhibition 2020)
One of the largest and grandest Renaissance halls north of the Alps, with an imposing length of sixty-six meters: The Hall of Antiquities at the Munich Residenz. Duke Albrecht V had it built for his collection of classical statuary between 1568 and 1571. His successor Duke Wilhelm V had the room remodeled into a banquet hall and its vaults decorated with 102 naturalistically accurate views of Bavarian cities, market towns and castles.
Jeanne Turczynski / B5 aktuell / 2000
Jakob Sandtner was a master turner from Straubing. Within a few years, he created wooden models of every Bavarian capital for Duke Albrecht V, the accuracy and filigree design of which still enchant everyone who sees them.
(from the audio guide of the Bavarian State Exhibition 2020)
Five films produced in collaboration with the TU München take anyone interested on a fascinating time-traveling flight through Munich in 1570.
These films are available in German only.
Der Film beleuchtet den Ursprung Münchens, die „Heinrichsstadt“, so benannt nach ihrem Gründer, Heinrich dem Löwen. Schon damals war das Zentrum der Stadt klar erkennbar, der Schrannenplatz (heute Marienplatz).
Durch den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg wurde die Heinrichsstadt bald zu klein, so dass ein neuer, erweiterter Mauerring gezogen werden musste. Film 2 zeigt diese Entwicklung und führt die vier Stadtviertel Münchens (im Südosten das Angerviertel, im Südwesten das Hackenviertel, im Nordwesten das Kreuzviertel und im Nordosten das Graggenauer Viertel) vor Augen.
Die Stadtbefestigung selbst steht im Zentrum von Film 3. Ausgehend von der Befestigung der Heinrichsstadt wird der Bau des zweiten Mauerrings vorgestellt. Am Beispiel des Neuhauser Tors (heute Karlstor) wird die Wehrhaftigkeit dieser Anlage demonstriert.
Dieser Film stellt die drei Residenzen der Wittelsbacher in München vor: den Alten Hof, die Neueste und schließlich die heutige Residenz, deren verschieden Gebäudeteile näher beleuchtet werden.
Die verschiedenen Kirchenbauten in der Altstadt Münchens werden in diesem Film näher erläutert: die insgesamt drei Pfarrkirchen, die Bettelorden am Beispiel der Franziskaner und schließlich das Jesuitenkolleg, das erst nachträglich in das Modell Jakob Sandtners eingefügt wurde.
Not just the duke documented his pride in “his” cities in paintings and works of art. Burghers also increasingly identified with their hometowns, as this metalwork from Deggendorf shows.
(from the audio guide of the Bavarian State Exhibition 2020)
The burghers of Landshut defended their city against its enemies with divine aid: Archangel Michael interceded and the city itself remained undamaged, as this altar hanging from Landshut shows.
(from the audio guide of the Bavarian State Exhibition 2020)