The domed building today

When the new Bavarian State Chancellery was completed in 1993, the historic domed building - which had been spared being damaged in the war - had two new side wings added (the orangeries). The steel and glass construction of these side wings looks futuristic. It bears a strong resemblance to the former Crystal Palace in London which in 1851 was an especially glorious feature of the Great Exhibition.

Furthermore, the glass palace of 1854 built in Munich was not only meant to display advanced building techniques and the innovative applications of materials, but also to show how a daring construction composed of glass and steel could create a new and unusual spatial experience.
Orangerie - north - Please click to enlarge (29 KB)
(46) Orangerie - north *

Army Museum with war memorial  - Please click to enlarge (59 KB)  The new  Staatskanzlei
(47) Army Museum with war memorial * (12) The new Staatskanzlei with restored Munich war memorial *
The old Bavarian Army Museum (1967)  - Please click to enlarge (30 KB)
(48) The old Bavarian Army Museum (1967) *

(*: Please click on the picture to enlarge! )

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